Thursday, July 30, 2009

Best Seller Update

Here's the lowdown on what's hot at Pomegranate right now!

Knowledge Cards - particularly Cockney Rhyming Slang, all music titles and Why We Need Bees [very topical].
Jigsaw Puzzles - No surprise here as they are absolutely beautiful and only £9.99 for a 1,000 pieces.

Gorey Fantod Pack - Reprinted 4 times in 2 years

Christopher Marley Bug Products: All product are selling so well, bookmarks, mousemats,notecards, puzzle and with his Pheromone Book we sold the 1st press run in 8 months!

Charley Harper:
Xmas Cards - we have reprinted 3 of our 4 Harper Christmas cards
Harper'sr Jigsaw Puzzle- Fastest ever reprinted!
Wall Calendar - Increased the press runs 5 times
Lots of new Harper product coming in 2010!!!

Coloring Books - already receiving re-orders for these with accounts asking about display units as they want to increase the range.
Notepads - Surprise product of the year so far, again re-orders coming in.
The Gorey Poster Book - Another great seller in the Gorey range of books - more than half the press run already sold...

If you need convincing, ask for a sample or a catalogue and be prepared to swoon.

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