Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Progressive Greetings Live 09!

Congrats to the Progressive Greetings crew for pulling off a very pleasant 2 days show in sunny Kensington. Pomegranate enjoyed themselves and went away with a nice book of leads. The icing would have been to have a few more International leads in that book but as this is the only gripe, it was worth the time.

Congrats also to Lucie Pattinson from the Bookhouse in Thame who won a £50 Marks & Spencer Voucher in the Pomegranate Caption Competition, see her winning caption below.

With reference to recent MP's expenses claim: ''I'm putting my hands up to claiming for the Floating Duck House'

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

POMEGRANATE RIGHT ON THE BUTTON .. with the big dilemma of the day:-

Knowledge Card Deck

We need those Bees and find out why in this deck of 48 Knowledge Cards.

Most of us think about the smallest denizens of the planet—the invertebrates—only when our houses are invaded by ants, or a bee buzzes by, or we discover a crab in a tide pool. But these organisms play integral roles in the biosphere we call home. Do you know which crustacean protects our salt marshes? Which beetle cattle ranchers rely on? Could a common mollusk help your dentist one day? Noted zoologist and author Frank Indiviglio knows a lot about the world’s smallest inhabitants and brings his expertise to bear in the 48 cards of this jam-packed quiz deck, letting us know just how and why all of our diminutive neighbors are so important.

GREAT FOR KIDS, well, everyone really ..... £5.95 and Available Now!